Investors have the money you need. A growing business can rapidly outstrip your personal capacity to fund growth. Enter Capital Raising – the fastest way to increase your business value. Capital gives you the ability to act quickly and seize lucrative opportunities. But first you need to impress an investor. That means a solid set of figures and the perfect pitch.


No capital, no growth. Without funding, your expansion plans will stay just that. Plans. Raising Capital can inject much-needed growth funds and big business value … all within days. At its heart the offer needs to work for both business and investor. Sure, you need to focus on accessing the capital required to grow. But it’s even more critical prospective investors can see asset value in:

  • Planning that makes a concise and compelling offer,
  • An approach that fits their ideal investment profile,
  • Strong pitch supported by in-depth business knowledge,
  • A clear and detailed understanding of financial data,
  • Building in a contingency or margin for error,
  • Setting realistic growth projections.

In the end, it’s results that matter. That means locating investment-ready prospects open to your industry, business and opportunity. Often in a matter of hours or days.


The faster investors subscribe, the sooner you can get on with business. So why make Raising Capital complicated? Naked Consulting have pared back our process to a simple four-step formula that’s at the heart of our success. Blending method and experience, your investment offer will:

  • Use advanced valuation techniques,
  • Draw on our commercial excellence,
  • Be made to the right sort of investors,
  • Include a powerful, confident pitch.

The main value here is getting your offer fully subscribed ASAP.


Step 1 – People
Investors make evidence-based decisions. Inspire their trust by using people with a track record for success.

Step 2 – Offer
The right offer structure lets you direct the investment deal and keep overall control of the business too.

Step 3 – Story
Before they choose to invest, sponsors like to see forward movement in the business on a secure footing.

Step 4 – Audience
Maximise shareholder take-up by spending time with investors whose capital and industry focus fit the offer.


  1. Is it too early to be raising capital?
    All businesses need capital to grow. It’s never too early for external funding. But a new business should be realistic in its growth projections and attraction for investors.
  2. What share of my company should I sell?
    This is more a question of how much capital you need to raise. Naked Consulting philosophy is that founders should retain at least 51% of the business.
  3. How long does capital raising take?
    For most businesses, getting investor-ready takes between 4-8 weeks. Beyond that, there’s no fixed time for how long your offer will take to fully subscribe.
  4. Where do I source investors?
    Finding prospective investors isn’t always easy. In general, shareholders tend to be drawn from family and friends, business supporters, stakeholders, private and retail investors.
  5. How involved in capital raising is Naked Consulting?
    Naked Consulting is a registered sponsor of Australia’s largest capital raising platform for growing, unlisted companies. To date, over $120 million has been raised.

Raising capital is a two way street. To secure funds and implement a growth plan, you first need to impress investors. That involves Business Planning and a well-structured offer. Of course, investors like to see projected returns and plans for the future …. perhaps International Expansion or even a Franchise. Whichever direction your business is heading Naked Consulting is here to help.

Every Naked Consulting client enjoys the same “plain-English” advice, based on proven outcomes. No wonder small and medium business in Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane, Canberra and Melbourne depend on us for:

  • Robust Business Planning and Strategy,
  • Reliable Capital Raising and Venture Capital,
  • Angel Investment, as a lending alternative,
  • Help with establishing Franchise networks,
  • Advice on expanding into a global business.

Naked Consulting clients are just like you. OK, perhaps they’re a bit entrepreneurial but there’s nothing wrong with ideas. What they all have in common is a vision for a thriving, growing business and the drive to make it happen. Ask how Naked Consulting can help you achieve those goals.

Naked Consulting provides leading consultant services in the areas of Business Planning, Capital Raising for Venture Capital (VC), angel investment or as an alternative to business loans, how to franchise a business and advice on how to grow an international business through global expansion for small business, medium business (SME business) in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane Adelaide and Perth – all with proven outcomes.

So if you are an entrepreneur, small business or medium business and looking for advice about business planning, business model, mentoring for small business, how to franchise in Australia, franchise agreements, business angels, securing venture capital, private equity or international business expansion contact us today for a friendly and confidential chat.